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NEW! AI Bone and Tooth Segmentation: 80% Faster Ortho & Surgical Planning


Access the PreRelease! Fully Automatic AI Bone and Tooth Segmentation:

80% Faster Ortho and Surgical Planning

Safer and More Complex Procedures Also Now Possible

Dr Scott Ganz

"Vital tool for total understanding of patient anatomy, socket morphology, occlusion, and bone morphology… comprehensive planning!"

"The wonders of 3D imaging and advanced segmentation software… love to see how technology continues to improve.

Thanks BlueSkyBio!"

- Dr. Scott Ganz


Dr. Rick Ferguson

"Automatic Bone and Tooth Segmentation in Blue Sky Plan cements its role as the premiere Surgical Guide software. It works amazingly well even on a chalenging case like this where a scan appliance with fiducial markers was seated during the scan. No more need to send out for costly and time consuming bone segmentation. Only takes a few minutes. WOW."

- Dr. Rick Ferguson


Dr. N. Cory Glenn

"This is probably my favorite upgrade to Blue Sky Plan in the last 5 years! If you've ever done bone segmentation the old school, manual way in BSB, then you know how tedious a process it is. It was not uncommon for a difficult maxilla to take well over an hour and that does not include individually segmenting the roots of the teeth. So why is bone segmentation important?.... Because if you want to build a surgical guide directly on bone you must have an stl of the bone to build the guide on."

- Dr. Cory Glenn


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Completely Automatic CT Teeth and Bone Segmentation in BSP


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