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I have Completely Replaced Invisalign in My Office


Manufacture Aligners In-House With BlueSkyPlan

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Meet Dr. Capio

My dental practice in Marina del Rey, CA is located within an area that is home to many tech companies and is dubbed Silicon Beach. The vast majority of my patient base are single professionals under 35 years old which makes offering adult orthodontics / Invisalign almost a MUST. I began with Invisalign almost 10 years ago and became proficient at treating most mild-moderate Class I malocclusions. In search of a wider knowledge to treat more advanced cases I added brackets and wires to my toolbelt which was extremely helpful for treatment planning and setting up for larger restorative cases but as a busy practitioner doing many other procedures I found that I was trading money for extra chair time. 

I’m sure many doctors that do aligner orthodontics would agree that in general, the shorter the case the more predictable the outcome. Bringing clear aligners in house with Blue Sky Plan Ortho and 3D printing filled in a large case-acceptance void where I could now offer treatment for a 10-15 aligner case at a more reasonable fee without either committing to a $2000 lab bill on one end or paying a $500 lab bill on the other end but having no free refinements available. Now for all the cases in my particular demographic, which range from a simple retainer reset (1 aligner) all the way to a one year long (26-32 aligner) case I have complete control on the production and overhead. Not dealing with shipping is also a huge time saver for both the dentist and patient. 

I consider taking Baron Grutter's Digital Orthodontics Course to learn Blue Sky Plan one of the best investments I’ve personally made in my career.    


Learn How To Create Aligners In House


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