Cost Effective, Safe AI Driven Aligner Therapy Now Available
Control the Position Of The Roots Within Bone Using Blue Sky Aligner AI Driven Software
AI Driven Aligner Functionality at Low Per Case Fees!
• 1 Aligner Case is 1 Export Credit (starting at $12 / case)
• Includes ALL Relevant Model and Aligner Exports
• Quantity Discounts Available
• Advanced AI Functionality Included
Using Automatically Segmented Teeth from CT Scan in Aligner Digital Tooth Setup Watch Video
Automatic Teeth Segmentation
Automatic Model Clean Up
Automatic Snap Teeth To Curve
Design and Export of Digital Aligners for Direct Digital Aligner Printing (FDA Approved) Watch Video
Export Aligner Trim Curve For Automatic Aligner Trimming Watch Video
BlueSkyPlan Aligner Pricing Explained
How Much Is An Aligner Case?
The price of an Aligner Case is 1 Export Credit, between $12 to $23 per case depending on the number of credits purchased at a time. The cost includes the generation and export of all Models and Aligners relevant for the case. Below is a chart of export packages and the cost per package.

Blue Sky Bio gifts 2 aligner cases to every new Blue Sky Plan user and 6 additional free aligner cases to dental students. The two free exports are automatically included in the software the first time a new user installs the software.
Are you a high volume Aligner lab or DSO?
Contact Us for high volume pricing!
How can I buy exports?
Exports should be bought by opening the Blue Sky Plan software, going to File > Purchase STL Exports
The software will open a dialog box to accept payment via paypal or credit card directly in the software. The purchase can be made and the software will immediately and automatically be updated with the new export credits.

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