CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL OFFER. More Free Exports With Your Next Purchase.
Buy Blue Sky Plan Exports and Receive More Exports Free
Blue Sky Plan is an advanced dental treatment planning software. STL Exports allow the export of the designed component from the Blue Sky Plan software to an STL model file for 3d printing. Export prices range from $5 - $20 depending on the relevant module and number of STL exports purchased at once.
* After purchasing the export package you will be contacted by a Blue Sky Bio representative to activate the additional free credits.
MoonRay S Wireless 3D Printer Package (including: 3D printer, RayWare software access, resin tank, one spare resin drum, build platform, one container of gray model resin, finishing kit, power supply, ethernet cable, one-year limited warranty, upgraded RayOne D-Blue-Violet LED/DLP Projector and 6 STL EXPORTS). $4430
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