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Shop Curasan’s regenerative products at Blue Sky Bio

Pure Phase B-TCP CERASORB® Dental M

Porosity: Cerasorb® M maintains 62% porosity when combining both the inter and intra porosity of the β-TCP granules. Osteoconductive: The capillary effect of the blood mixed with Cerasorb promotes the osteoblasts to stimulate the initial matrix of bone formation or scaffolding. Resorption: Cerasorb® will turn over to quality vital bone within 4-12 months. Broad Usage for Grafting: The 3 different granule sizes. Shop Now


Tri-layer Synthetic Membrane Epi-Guide® Epi-Guide® is fabricated from polylactic acid and is the only bio-resorbable synthetic membrane with a unique 3-layer technology to provide predictable healing while maintaining sufficient rigidity.


Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Bone Filler


Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the mineral basis for bone-a natural choice for bone regeneration. However, allogeneic, bovine bone and most manufactured HAs are less than optimal product choices. Osbone6 Synthetic Hydroxyapatite bone filler provides the answer for those applications that require volume and a highly stable implant bed.


Demineralized Cortical Plate Membrane


OsteoWrap® is a 100% human cortical bone demineralized through a proprietary process making the graft flexible while maintaining allograft material integrity. Easily cut and shaped for various defect sizes, it has a unique malleability that helps in dental membrane placement. Following hydration, it can be folded, rolled, trimmed, and/or sutured, making it an ideal scaffold that acts like a barrier membrane, but will remodel and function like bone in the defect. OsteoWrap is approved for all dental indications. Mechanical and Biological Characteristics

  • Osteoconductive & osteoinductive properties.

  • Flexible handling properites.

  • Radiolucent to allow for accurate follow-up assessment of bone formation.

  • Sterile, roon-temperature storage, 5-year shelf life


Demineralized Bone Putty


OsteoSelect® DBM Putty is engineered with the surgeon in mind. With exceptional handling characteristics, OsteoSelect can be easily molded into any shape and compressed into bony voids. Taking the design a step further, Bacterin has validated a low-dose, low-temperature gamma sterilization process to provide maximum osteoinductive potential while still affording device level sterility. OsteoSelect DBM Putty carries the STERILE R claim (SAL 10 -6)

Curasan develops, manufactures and markets biomaterials and medical devices in the field of bone and tissue regeneration, wound healing and osteoarthritis therapy. As a pioneer and global technology leader in the growing field of regenerative medicine, curasan is specialized primarily on biomimetic bone grafting materials for dental, oral/maxillofacial, orthopedic and spinal applications.

Sales limited to United States only.

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