Quick Start Guide to Guided Surgery
Here is your Quick Start Guide To Guided Surgery:

Download and Install Treatment Planning Software
With Blue Sky Plan you can treatment plan and design surgical guides for all implant systems and all guided surgical kits. No other software is necessary. Download and install Blue Sky Plan from blueskyplan.com.
The software is free to download and treatment plan, so no reason not to do this immediately.
WATCH a one minute overview on Blue Sky Plan and Guided Surgery.

Self Learning Module (15 minutes)
We have created 15 minute self learning module that will get you up and running for 1 - 3 implant cases. The self learning module contains a video that will take you from CT scan to surgical guide demonstrating and explaining each step in the Blue Sky Plan software.
Best of all, you can download the exact demonstration case used in the video, directly to your computer, to practice and follow along directly in Blue Sky Plan.
The self learning modules also include step by step screenshots with explanations that can be viewed on the website or downloaded in PDF format.

Computer Guided Surgical Kits
The cheapest Guided Surgical Kit are Blue Sky Bio's Direct Cut Drills. Buy the relevant drill(s) for the case ($86) each. The software will position the surgical guide to stop at the correct depth.
The most comprehensive Guided Surgical kit is Blue Sky Bio's Keyless Fully Guided Surgical Kit for sequential drilling.
For either guided surgical kit the software will automatically create the surgical guide with the relevant settings for the selected kit and will create a Drilling Report indicating the relevant parts and drilling sequence.

Free Exports
When a new user downloads and installs Blue Sky Plan they automatically receive two free surgical guide exports, so you first two cases are a gift from us. Enjoy!

Join the Discussion
There is fantastic Blue Sky Plan user community made up of individuals who share cases, answer questions and help advance guided surgery and its clinical applications. A vast wealth of information is shared by the community in the Blue Sky Bio Academy Facebook Group. Read, watch and learn. Yes, if you have a question, you can ask!

Learning More
Learn more about guided surgery and implant placement FREE by accessing past recorded webinars. Interested in attending a live surgical course? Take a look at the upcoming guided surgical courses!