Blue Sky Plan Exports Explained
How much of an export credit does each software module use?
Blue Sky Plan is FREE software
Did You Know? Blue Sky Plan gifts 2 free exports to each new user and 6 free exports to dental students.
Did You Know? Blue Sky Plan can be downloaded at no cost and can be installed on an unlimited number of computers. There are no upgrade fees or annual fees. All software updates (several each year) are released at no charge.
Did You Know? CT Scans and imported models can be edited and exported to a STL file at no charge. See video.
Blue Sky Plan charges a fee in situations where a component has been designed in the software and is being exported to an STL file for printing or milling.
When the design is completed there is a fee to export the completed file to an STL file in most modules. STL files, is an industry wide standard file format accepted by all 3D printers and many milling machines for part fabrication (more information about STL files).
The Surgical Guide Module uses an export when a surgical guide is exported. Other modules use only a fraction of an export. Details below.

How Much Does an Export Cost?
The price of an export credit is between $12.5 an export and $23 an export. The larger the number of exports purchased at a time the less each individual export costs. Below is a chart of export packages and the cost per package.

Blue Sky Bio gifts 2 free exports to every new Blue Sky Plan user. The two free exports are automatically included in the software the first time a new user installs the software.
How can I buy exports?
Exports should be bought by opening the Blue Sky Plan software,
going to File > Purchase STL Exports
The software will open a dialog box to accept payment via paypal or credit card directly in the software. The purchase can be made and the software will immediately and automatically be updated with the new export credits.
If the purchaser is not directly using the Blue Sky Plan software, exports can also be purchased via the Blue Sky Bio website. In such a situation a Blue Sky Plan representative will provide the license manually.

Surgical Guide Module
Exporting a surgical guide from the Blue Sky Plan software costs one export. Surgical guides can be fabricated for all implant systems and all guided surgical kits. No other software is required.
If a second surgical guide is exported from the same case (the surgical guide has been modified, or an additional guide is created) there is no additional fee, and another export credit will NOT be charged.
In fact, the user can export anything from the same case (mandible, maxilla, model with abutments etc etc), an unlimited number of times from the same case (same file, with the same CT scan) at no additional cost. Another export credit will NOT be charged.
CT scans and models can be edited in the surgical guide module and exported at no cost! An export fee will be deducted only after a surgical guide has been designed. Blue Sky Plan allows the following functionality to be exported to an STL file at no cost:
Impression inversion
Model cutting
Closing or adding a base to a model models
Converting CT to STL file
Jaw segmentation
Models with teeth setups
Orthodontics Module
Purchase 'Ortho Exports' in the Blue Sky Plan Software by choosing
'File>Purchase STL Exports'.
Your software will be updated automatically and immediately following the purchase.
Important Points
Ortho exports cost 0.5 exports per jaw, 1 export per case.
Export prices are per jaw irrelevant to the number of models or aligners that will be exported for the case.
Denture Module
Denture exports cost half (0.5) an export per jaw.
Export pricing can be seen above.
Cephalometric Module
Saving a cephalometric analysis report to a PDF file costs half of an export.
If you have any questions regarding exports please post the question to the Blue Sky Support Group
If you encounter any technical difficulties please contact