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Blue Sky Bio it launching a new Digital Dental Education Initiative.

How it Helps Dentists
The Digital Dental Education Initiative will provide dentists with high-quality digital dental educational material in simple to use 1-hour training sessions. Dentists can learn on their own or in a group "lunch and learn" type session. The dentist will complete a one-hour session, complete a 10 question multiple choice test and receive 1 CE credit at no cost?
How it Help Lecturers
Blue Sky Bio is turning to dental educators such as yourself, who offer live educational courses, run an educational website, lecture on dentistry or just want to help educate dentists, to create and provide the educational content.
The one-hour courses that will be offered in the new Educational Initiative will be mostly introductory level courses. Courses such as "Intro to...." Or "....101". The educator who creates the course is invited to mention and promote their live courses or website once at the beginning of the presentation, once at the end of the presentation and to include their logo and/or URL on screen during the presentation. The dentist who watches the presentation can learn the basics during the one hour course and be invited to attend the live paid course or website to learn more and continue their education.
Blue Sky Bio will dedicate resources to market the presentations, and in turn to market your live course or website.
Each presentation should consist of :
A one hour video or slide presentation.
The data files of sample cases used during the presentation
A 10 question multiple choice test.
If you are interested in creating such a presentation please email to select a presentation topic.